Get married at Way Out West!

Last year, we had the honor of allowing three couples to tie the knot during Way Out West. Now we are pleased to announce that the opportunity to get married in Slottsskogen will be available again this year.


Do you and your partner have a special connection to Way Out West or any of the artists performing this year? Or maybe you’re simply two music lovers who wish to celebrate your love in an unconventional way? We now invite three couples to get married during this year’s festival, with one wedding ceremony to be held each day: Thursday August 8th, Friday August 9th, and Saturday August 10th. The chosen couples will receive one 1-Day Festival Ticket each, as well as 8 additional 1-Day Tickets for friends and family to attend the ceremony and festival. Scroll down to apply!

We encourage a diverse range of applicants in terms of geographical spread in Sweden, ethnic background, disabilities, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, religion, and music taste. We very much look forward to receiving your application!


How to apply:


  • To apply and have the chance to get married at Way Out West, you need a valid Certificate of No Impediment (Hindersprövning) and a marriage certificate (Vigselintyg) issued by the Swedish Tax Agency (Skatteverket). Remember to apply for it in time (today, if you haven’t already) and be aware of its validity period. Read more here.


  • After receiving approval, then send an email to explaining why you should be the chosen couple. Use the subject line Wow Marriage 2024. You can write your application in either Swedish or English – it can be a single sentence, a piece between 150 and 400 words, or even a short video or a song – express yourself in any way you like!


  • We will have one wedding each day, on Thursday August 8th, Friday August 9th, and Saturday August 10th. If it matters to you which of these days you can get married, please note this in your application.


  • Last day to apply is on June 30th.


Practical information:


  • The ceremony will take place in Slottsskogen around around 14:00 on Thursday and 12:00 on Friday and Saturday. More info to come.


  • The couples who get married will receive two 1-Day Tickets, aswell 8 additional 1 Day Tickets for friends and family to attend the ceremony. The tickets can be upgraded if you wish to attend the whole festival.


  • The ceremony is civil and will be performed by a marriage officiant.


  • You will need to present a valid identification on-site.


  • You will need two witnesses to witness your marriage.


  • After the ceremony, you will receive a Marriage Certificate.


  • Way Out West will arrange with a photographer and some solid wedding music!


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