Folkteatern is back at Way Out West!

We are proud to announce that Folkteatern, as the only performing arts institution, is back at Way Out West. The critically acclaimed performance “Skönheten i kaos” has now been produced as a short audio performance. The audience will be able to enjoy it while resting in a cosy hammock under the stars. So just lie down, close your eyes and enjoy. The performance will be playing in the Lilla Dammen area between 15.00–21.00 each day. Come by!


The performance is based on the book by Julia Ravanis and directed by Frida Röhl. The audio performance is produced by Joel Igor Hammad Magnusson och Magnus Lindman. 


Participating: Andrea Paddington Edwards, Anna Lundström, Joel Igor Hammad Magnusson,  Isidor Olsbjörk och Sara Wikström.  



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