Way Out West Film is the third largest film festival in Sweden. By now, it is as essential for movie buffs as Way Out West is for music fans.
Way Out West Film is the third largest film festival in Sweden. By now, it is as essential for movie buffs as Way Out West is for music fans. The first batch of films for this year’s event will soon be announced. Every year about 35-40 movies is selected and shown at cinemas around Gothenburg. All screenings are free for everyone with a festival ticket.
"The film selection is a mixture of feature films, documentaries, tv-series and short films, often with a focus on music and social issues."
Since it was established in 2011, the film programme at Way Out West has hosted premieres for films such as Searching for Sugarman, The Square, Boyhood, Palme and Monica Z. The film selection is a mixture of feature films, documentaries, tv-series and short films, often with a focus on music and social issues. Here you can find a list on all the titles that have been featured in the film program over the years.
Find this year’s titles here.